Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Landing Page Examples

Affiliate Marketing Landing Page Examples

As a business-to-business marketer, you might have heard of affiliate marketing. It’s a type of marketing where you can earn a commission by promoting other companies’ products. One of the essential elements of affiliate marketing is creating an affiliate landing page. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what affiliate marketing is, what an affiliate landing page is, why it’s necessary, the types of affiliate landing pages, how to create one using ClickFunnels, and some examples of excellent affiliate marketing landing pages.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing where you promote other companies’ products and earn a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate link. It’s a win-win situation for both the company and the affiliate marketer. The company gets more sales, and the affiliate marketer earns a commission.

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What is an Affiliate Landing Page?

An affiliate landing page is a web page that is designed to convert visitors into customers. It’s a page that the visitor lands on after clicking on the affiliate marketer’s link. The purpose of an affiliate landing page is to persuade the visitor to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a free trial.

Why are Landing Pages Necessary for Affiliate Marketing?

Landing pages are necessary for affiliate marketing because they increase the chances of the visitor taking action. A well-designed landing page can persuade the visitor to buy the product or service being promoted. It also allows the affiliate marketer to track the visitor’s behavior and optimize the page for better conversion rates.

Types of Affiliate Landing Pages

There are several types of affiliate landing pages, including:

1. Review Pages: These pages provide an in-depth review of the product or service being promoted. They are designed to provide the visitor with all the information they need to make an informed decision.

2. Comparison Pages: These pages compare the product being promoted to other similar products on the market. They highlight the benefits of the product and why it’s better than the competition.

3. Squeeze Pages: These pages are designed to capture the visitor’s email address. They offer a free resource, such as an e-book or a video, in exchange for the visitor’s contact information.

How to Create a Landing Page for Affiliate Marketing

ClickFunnels is an excellent tool for creating landing pages for affiliate marketing. It’s a drag-and-drop landing page builder that makes it easy to create professional-looking pages without any coding skills. Here’s how to create an affiliate landing page using ClickFunnels:

1. Choose a template: ClickFunnels has several templates to choose from, including ones specifically designed for affiliate marketing.

2. Customize the template: Edit the text, images, and colors to match the product being promoted.

3. Add an opt-in form: If you’re creating a squeeze page, add an opt-in form to capture the visitor’s email address.

4. Add your affiliate link: Add your affiliate link to the page so that you can earn a commission for each sale made through your link.

5. Publish the page: Once you’re happy with the page, publish it on your website or share it on social media.

6 Best Examples of Affiliate Marketing Landing Pages

1. Claim Compass:

Claim Compass

– What They Do Well: Claim Compass’s landing page excels with a clear message: helping travelers get compensation for flight disruptions.
– Key Features: The use of real-life scenarios, customer testimonials, and a straightforward compensation calculator engage the visitor instantly. The page is designed to answer all potential queries, leading to a confident call to action.

2. Shopify:


– What Stands Out: Shopify’s landing page targets small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to set up online stores.
– Key Features: The page combines persuasive copy with strong calls to action. It emphasizes ease of use, customer support, and the success of existing users, thereby building trust and encouraging sign-ups.

3. Promo:


– Effective Strategy: Promo’s landing page caters to businesses looking for easy-to-use video editing tools.
– Key Features: The page showcases engaging visuals and offers a clear, concise overview of the tool’s benefits. Interactive elements, such as video examples and user reviews, make the page more engaging.

4. edX:


– Educational Appeal: As an online course provider, edX’s landing page is designed to be informative and easy to navigate.
– Key Features: The layout is clean, focusing on course offerings and categories. Testimonials from students and details about university partnerships add credibility and appeal to a professional audience.

5. Later:


– Visual and Functional: Later’s landing page targets social media marketers with a focus on scheduling and analytics tools.
– Key Features: The use of high-quality images and infographics explains the service in a visually appealing manner. The page also offers a glimpse into the platform’s interface, showcasing ease of use and functionality.

6. ExpressVPN:


– Security Focus: ExpressVPN’s landing page is designed to assure visitors of secure and private internet access.
– Key Features: The page highlights product benefits like high speed, server variety, and privacy protection with user testimonials and service guarantees. It’s designed to build trust and address common concerns about VPN services.

These examples illustrate how effective affiliate marketing landing pages cater to their specific audience with a clear message, engaging content, and strong calls to action. Each page is tailored to the unique selling points of the service or product, ensuring that visitors are not just informed but also persuaded to take action.

Affiliate marketing landing pages are more than just web pages; they are the strategic bridge between a click and a customer. By understanding and implementing the key elements discussed, businesses can create landing pages that not only draw in visitors but convert them into lasting customers. Remember, in the world of B2B affiliate marketing, your landing page is not just your first impression; it’s often your only one!


1. Can I do affiliate marketing with a landing page?

In affiliate marketing, having a good landing page is really important. It helps you introduce and sell the product or program to people who might want to buy it and gets them interested in taking action.

2. Can you do affiliate marketing without a landing page?

You can try affiliate marketing without a website, but having your own landing page usually helps a lot.

3. How do I create an affiliate marketing page?

  • Pick a template for your landing page.
  • Name your landing page.
  • Put in your own words and information.
  • Add some good pictures.
  • Pick a domain name that fits.
  • Check that all your links and buttons work.
  • Fill in your SEO title and description.
  • Go live by publishing it!

4. How do I start affiliate marketing with no business?

Starting affiliate marketing without spending money, or no business means sharing your affiliate link with people you know. This can work, but it’s limited in how much it can grow and earn unless you’re always meeting new people.

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